The most imaportant ideas in modern functional programming are:
functional programming is all about putting data first. The first is defining what kinds of data we have in a problem domain, and what kinds of transformations we want on them. Then we building up the data structures and the code to do the transformations.
functional programming is not about pure functions any more. Eventually, programs will produce side-effects and side-effect management is a puzzle with many parts.
"to show one of technics of managing your data & control side-effect"
val f: String => Int = str => str.length
f("Hello") shouldEqual 5
f("By!") shouldEqual 3
val f: String => Int = str => str.length
val g: Int => Int = i => i * 2
val h = g compose f // f >>> g
h("Hello") shouldEqual 10
h("Workday") shouldEqual 14
“a function which builds program fragments from program fragments; in a sense the programmer using combinators constructs much of the desired program automatically, rather than writing every detail by hand”
- John Hughes Generalising Monads to Arrows
the structure of a product type is determined by the fixed order of the operands in the product. The product of type1, ..., typen is written type1 * ... * typen in ML and (type1,...,typen).
// Tuple2[A, B] - scala implementation of product type
def fst[A,B]: ((A,B)) => A = prod => prod._1 // _1 - scala impl of fst
def snd[A,B]: ((A,B)) => B = prod => prod._2 // _2 - scala impl of snd
def delta[A, B, C]: (C => A) => (C => B) => (C => (A,B)) =
f => g => x => (f(x), g(x))
val f: String => Int = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase
val h = delta(f)(g)
forAll { (any: String) =>
(h andThen fst)(any) == f(any) &&
(h andThen snd)(any) == g(any)
View (split function):
val f: String => Int = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase
val h = f &&& g
h("Hello") shouldEqual (5, "HELLO")
h("Workday") shouldEqual (7, "WORKDAY")
View (combine function):
val f: String => Int = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase
val h = f *** g
h("Hello", "Workday") shouldEqual (5, "WORKDAY")
Arrow Type-Class:
An arrow is the term used in category theory as an abstract notion of thing that behaves like a function.
trait Arrow[~>[-_, +_]] extends Category[~>] {
def arr[B, C](f: B => C): B ~> C
def first[B, C, D](f: B ~> C): (B, D) ~> (C, D)
def second[A, B, C](f: A ~> B): (C, A) ~> (C, B)
def &&&[B, C, C2](fbc: B ~> C, fbc2: B ~> C2): B ~> (C, C2)
def ***[B, C, B2, C2](fbc: B ~> C, fbc2: B2 ~> C2): (B, B2) ~> (C, C2)
And Category Type-Class:
trait Category[~>[-_, +_]] {
def id[A]: A ~> A
def compose[A, B, C](f: B ~> C, g: A ~> B): A ~> C
very similar to the Either data type; the only difference is that it does not combine two base types, but two type constructors.
// Either[A, B] - scala implementation of co-product type
def left[A,B]: A => Either[A,B] = a => Left(a)
def right[A,B]: B => Either[A,B] = b => Right(b)
def delta[A, B, C]: (A => C) => (B => C) => (Either[A, B] => C) =
f => g => x => x match {
case Left(a) => f(a)
case Right(b) => g(b)
val f: Int => String = i => i.toString
val g: String => String = str => str * 2
val h = delta(f)(g)
forAll { (anyStr: String, anyInt: Int) =>
(left andThen h)(anyInt) == f(anyInt) &&
(right andThen h)(anyStr) == g(anyStr)
View (multiplex function):
val f: String => Int = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase
val h = f +++ g
h apply Left[String, String]("Hello") shouldEqual L[Int, String](5)
h apply Right[String, String]("Hello") shouldEqual R[Int, String]("HELLO")
View (merge function):
val f: String => Int = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase
val h = f ||| g
h apply Left[String, String]("Hello") shouldEqual 5
h apply Right[String, String]("Hello") shouldEqual "HELLO"
ArrowChoice Type-Class:
make a choice between two arrows on the basis of a previous result
trait ArrowChoice[~>[-_, +_]] extends Arrow[~>] {
type E[A, B] = Either[A, B]
def left[B, C, D](a: B ~> C): E[B, D] ~> E[C, D]
def right[B, C, D](a: B ~> C): E[D, B] ~> E[D, C]
def +++[B, C, B2, C2](a: B ~> C, b: B2 ~> C2): E[B, B2] ~> E[C, C2]
def |||[B, C, D](a: B ~> D, b: C ~> D): E[B, C] ~> D
Arrow is generalization of function, what provide more function combinators:Like first/second/split/combine, ...
val f: String => Int = str => str.length
f("Hello") shouldEqual 5
Option("Hello").map(f) shouldEqual Option(5)
val f: String => Option[Int] = str =>
if(str.length <6) None
else Option(str.length)
f("Hello") shouldEqual None
f("Workday") shouldEqual Option(7)
val f: Option[String] => Int = str =>"")
f(Option("Hello")) shouldEqual "HELLO"
f(None) shouldEqual ""
KleisliCategory Type-Class:
type Kleisli[M[+_], -A, +B] = A => M[A]
trait KleisliCategory[M[+_]]
extends Category[({type λ[-α, +β] = Kleisli[M, α, β]})#λ] {
// ...
KleisliCategory Type-Class (with Kind Projector plugin):
trait KleisliCategory[M[+_]]
extends Category[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] {
// ...
KleisliArrow Type-Class:
type Kleisli[M[+_], -A, +B] = A => M[A]
trait KleisliCategory[M[+_]]
extends Category[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] {
// ...
trait KleisliArrow[M[+_]]
extends Arrow[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]]
with KleisliCategory[M] {
// ...
But what is M[_] (only Option)?
have many results |
sometimes have no result |
postponed result or may be no result |
write to log |
read from environment |
Functor & Monad (essence):
Functor : A => B => C[A] => C[B]
Monad : A => C[B] => C[A] => C[B]
Arrow (essence):
Arrow : (A => B ) >>> (B => D ) => A => D
Kleisli : (A => C[B]) >=> (B => C[D]) => A => C[D]
case class User(id: Int, name: String, password: String)
def getUserById: Int => Option[User] = ...
def updateDbUser: User => Option[Int] = ...
def updateName: String => User => Option[User] = ...
def updatePassword: String => User => Option[User] = ...
Monad usege:
def update(id: Int, update: User => Option[User]) =
update(10, (user: User) => updateName(name).flatMap(updatePassword(password)))
Kleisli usege:
def update(id: Int, update: User => Option[User]) =
Kleisli { getUserById(id) } >==> update >==> updateDbUser
update(10, Kleisli { updateName(name) } >==> updatePassword(password))
KleisliArrow Type-Class (based on Monad):
case class Kleisli[M[+ _], -A, +B](run: A => M[B])
trait KleisliCategory[M[+_]] extends Category[(Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] {
implicit def Monad: Monad[M]
def id[A]: Kleisli[M, A, A] = Kleisli(a => Monad.point(a))
def compose[A, B, C](bc: Kleisli[M, B, C], ab: Kleisli[M, A, B]): Kleisli[M, A, C] =
bc.flatMap(run(ac), B)))
trait KleisliArrow[M[+_]] extends Arrow[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] with KleisliCategory[M] {
def arr[A, B](f: A => B): Kleisli[M, A, B] = Kleisli(a => Monad.point(f(a)))
def first[A, B, C](f: Kleisli[M, A, B]): Kleisli[M, (A, C), (B, C)] =
Kleisli[M, (A, C), (B, C)] { case (a, c) =>, (b: B) => (b, c)) }
And back to the Arrow
Motivation, is to find a generic interface for arrow wich cannot be based on monad.
ArrowMonad Type-Class:
trait ArrowApply[~>[-_, +_]] extends Arrow[~>] {
def app[A, B]: (A ~> B, A) ~> B
case class ArrowMonad[~>[-_, +_], +A](run: Unit ~> A)
implicit def _asMonad[~>[-_, +_]](implicit i: ArrowApply[~>]):
Monad[ArrowMonad[~>, +?]] = new Monad[ArrowMonad[~>, +?]] {
type M[+A] = ArrowMonad[~>, A]
def point[A](x: => A): M[A] = ArrowMonad { i.arr(_ => x) }
def flatMap[A, B](m: M[A], f: A => M[B]): M[B] =
ArrowMonad[~>, B] { >>> i.arr((x: A) => (f(x).run, ())) >>>[Unit, B] }
trait KleisliArrowApply[M[+ _]] extends ArrowApply[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] {
private type ~>[-A, +B] = Kleisli[M, A, B]
def app[A, B]: (A ~> B, A) ~> B = Kleisli { case (f, a) => ( }
High order Arrow Definition (ArrowApply):
Type-Class | Kind | Condition | Similar type |
(Kleisli Arrow) | |
M[_] has Monad instance | Arrow |
F[_] has Functor instance for A | Functor |
have Monoid instance for F[B] | Monoid for any A |
Arrow | Applicative |
Laws: | |
4 Functions AND 6 Laws | 3 Functions AND 4 Laws |
Arrow | Monad |
Laws: | |
4 Functions AND 6 Laws | 1 Functions AND 3 Laws |
Functions: | |
Category (id/compose - Predef) 0 | 0 (map - by Applicative & Monad) Functor |
Arrow (arr/first) 2 | 2 (point/ap) Applicative |
Kleisli (flatMap) 1 | 1 (flatMap) Monad |
3 | 3 |
Laws: | |
Category 3 | 2 Functor |
Arrow 6 | 4 Applicative |
Kleisli - | 3 Monad |
9 | 9 |
- Scott Wlaschin (F# for fun and profit)
Railway tracks:
Arrow as Framework for:
case class User(id: Int, name: String, psswd: String, email: String)
def getUserById: Int => Either[Err, User] = ???
def updateDbUser: User => Either[Err, Int] = ???
def updateName: String => User => User = ???
def sendEmail: User => Unit = ???
def id[T]: T => T = x => x
def leftId[E, T]: Err => Either[E, T] = x => Left { x }
def fst[A, B]: (A, B) => A = _._1
val run =
getUserById >>>
updateName(name).right >>>
((id[User] &&& sendEmail) >>> fst).right >>>
(leftId[Err, Int] ||| updateDbUser) // Either[Err, Int]
Track with Kleisli:
val run = Kleisli[Either[Err, +?], Int, User] {
getUserById >>>
updateName(name).right >>>
((id[User] &&& sendEmail) >>> fst).right
} >==> updateDbUser // Either[Err, Int]