Functional programming with arrows

Scala Days, June 2015, Amsterdam

by  Yuriy Polyulya  @ Workday

Baseline & Goals:

The most imaportant ideas in modern functional programming are:

  • It's all about data

    functional programming is all about putting data first. The first is defining what kinds of data we have in a problem domain, and what kinds of transformations we want on them. Then we building up the data structures and the code to do the transformations.

  • Managing of side-effect

    functional programming is not about pure functions any more. Eventually, programs will produce side-effects and side-effect management is a puzzle with many parts.

"to show one of technics of managing your data & control side-effect"






val f: String => Int = str => str.length

f("Hello") shouldEqual 5
f("By!")   shouldEqual 3




val f: String => Int = str => str.length
val g: Int => Int    = i => i * 2

val h = g compose f  //  f >>> g

h("Hello")   shouldEqual 10
h("Workday") shouldEqual 14


“a function which builds program fragments from program fragments; in a sense the programmer using combinators constructs much of the desired program automatically, rather than writing every detail by hand”

- John Hughes Generalising Monads to Arrows

Arrows with Product

the structure of a product type is determined by the fixed order of the operands in the product.
The product of type1, ..., typen is written type1 * ... * typen in ML and (type1,...,typen).




// Tuple2[A, B] - scala implementation of product type
def fst[A,B]: ((A,B)) => A = prod => prod._1  // _1 - scala impl of fst
def snd[A,B]: ((A,B)) => B = prod => prod._2  // _2 - scala impl of snd

def delta[A, B, C]: (C => A) => (C => B) => (C => (A,B)) =
  f => g => x => (f(x), g(x))

val f: String => Int    = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase
val h = delta(f)(g)

forAll { (any: String) =>
  (h andThen fst)(any) == f(any) &&
  (h andThen snd)(any) == g(any)

Function and Combinators (Part 2)

View (split function):



val f: String => Int    = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase

val h = f &&& g

h("Hello")   shouldEqual (5, "HELLO")
h("Workday") shouldEqual (7, "WORKDAY")

View (combine function):



val f: String => Int    = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase

val h = f *** g

h("Hello", "Workday") shouldEqual (5, "WORKDAY")

Arrow Type-Class:

An arrow is the term used in category theory as an abstract notion of thing that behaves like a function.

trait Arrow[~>[-_, +_]] extends Category[~>] {

  def arr[B, C](f: B => C): B ~> C

  def first[B, C, D](f: B ~> C): (B, D) ~> (C, D)
  def second[A, B, C](f: A ~> B): (C, A) ~> (C, B)

  def &&&[B, C, C2](fbc: B ~> C, fbc2: B ~> C2): B ~> (C, C2)
  def ***[B, C, B2, C2](fbc: B ~> C, fbc2: B2 ~> C2): (B, B2) ~> (C, C2)

And Category Type-Class:

trait Category[~>[-_, +_]] {

  def id[A]: A ~> A
  def compose[A, B, C](f: B ~> C, g: A ~> B): A ~> C

Arrows with CoProduct

very similar to the Either data type; the only difference is that it does not combine two base types, but two type constructors.




// Either[A, B] - scala implementation of co-product type
def left[A,B]: A => Either[A,B]  = a => Left(a)
def right[A,B]: B => Either[A,B] = b => Right(b)

def delta[A, B, C]: (A => C) => (B => C) => (Either[A, B] => C) =
  f => g => x => x match {
    case Left(a)  => f(a)
    case Right(b) => g(b)

val f: Int    => String = i   => i.toString
val g: String => String = str => str * 2
val h = delta(f)(g)

forAll { (anyStr: String, anyInt: Int) =>
  (left andThen h)(anyInt) == f(anyInt) &&
  (right andThen h)(anyStr) == g(anyStr)

Function and Combinators (Part 3)

View (multiplex function):



val f: String => Int    = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase

val h = f +++ g

h apply Left[String, String]("Hello")  shouldEqual L[Int, String](5)
h apply Right[String, String]("Hello") shouldEqual R[Int, String]("HELLO")

View (merge function):



val f: String => Int    = str => str.length
val g: String => String = str => str.toUpperCase

val h = f ||| g

h apply Left[String, String]("Hello")  shouldEqual 5
h apply Right[String, String]("Hello") shouldEqual "HELLO"

ArrowChoice Type-Class:

make a choice between two arrows on the basis of a previous result

trait ArrowChoice[~>[-_, +_]] extends Arrow[~>] {
  type E[A, B] = Either[A, B]

  def left[B, C, D](a: B ~> C): E[B, D] ~> E[C, D]
  def right[B, C, D](a: B ~> C): E[D, B] ~> E[D, C]

  def +++[B, C, B2, C2](a: B ~> C, b: B2 ~> C2): E[B, B2] ~> E[C, C2]
  def |||[B, C, D](a: B ~> D, b: C ~> D): E[B, C] ~> D


Arrow is generalization of function, what provide more function combinators:
Like first/second/split/combine, ...

Kleisli & Co-Kleisli Arrow


val f: String => Int = str => str.length

f("Hello")              shouldEqual 5
Option("Hello").map(f)  shouldEqual Option(5)

val f: String => Option[Int] = str =>
  if(str.length <6) None
  else Option(str.length)

f("Hello")    shouldEqual None
f("Workday")  shouldEqual Option(7)

val f: Option[String] => Int = str =>"")

f(Option("Hello"))  shouldEqual "HELLO"
f(None)             shouldEqual ""

KleisliCategory Type-Class:

type Kleisli[M[+_], -A, +B] = A => M[A]

trait KleisliCategory[M[+_]]
  extends Category[({type λ[-α, +β] = Kleisli[M, α, β]})#λ] {
  // ...

KleisliCategory Type-Class (with Kind Projector plugin):

trait KleisliCategory[M[+_]]
  extends Category[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] {
  // ...
Erik Osheim, Kind Projector on GitHub

KleisliArrow Type-Class:

type Kleisli[M[+_], -A, +B] = A => M[A]

trait KleisliCategory[M[+_]]
  extends Category[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] {
// ...

trait KleisliArrow[M[+_]]
  extends Arrow[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]]
  with KleisliCategory[M] {

// ...

But what is M[_] (only Option)?

  • All functions have effects, the things the function does. The simplest effect is just accepting parameters and returning a single value as a result.
  • Everything else we might conceive a function doing is a side-effect. By wrapping a value in a container, we can emulate all the various side-effects that are possible.


A => List[B]
have many results

A => Option[B]
sometimes have no result

A => Future[B]
postponed result or may be no result

A => (S, B)
write to log

A => (Unit => E, B)
read from environment

Arrows & Monads

Common data manipulation techniques for dealing with side-effecting containers:

Functor & Monad (essence):

Functor  :  A   =>   B                      =>   C[A]  =>  C[B]
Monad    :  A   => C[B]                     =>   C[A]  =>  C[B]

Arrow (essence):

Arrow   :  (A  =>   B ) >>> (B  =>   D )    =>   A  =>   D
Kleisli :  (A  => C[B]) >=> (B  => C[D])    =>   A  => C[D]

  • Arrows build a container for the whole functions, where Monads just give a common structure for their outputs.
  • Arrows can have more then one input.


case class User(id: Int, name: String, password: String)

def getUserById: Int => Option[User] = ...
def updateDbUser: User => Option[Int] = ...

def updateName: String => User => Option[User] = ...
def updatePassword: String => User => Option[User] = ...

Monad usege:

def update(id: Int, update: User => Option[User]) =

update(10, (user: User) => updateName(name).flatMap(updatePassword(password)))

Kleisli usege:

def update(id: Int, update: User => Option[User]) =
  Kleisli { getUserById(id) } >==> update >==> updateDbUser

update(10, Kleisli { updateName(name) } >==> updatePassword(password))

KleisliArrow Type-Class (based on Monad):

case class Kleisli[M[+ _], -A, +B](run: A => M[B])

trait KleisliCategory[M[+_]] extends Category[(Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] {
  implicit def Monad: Monad[M]

  def id[A]: Kleisli[M, A, A] = Kleisli(a => Monad.point(a))

  def compose[A, B, C](bc: Kleisli[M, B, C], ab: Kleisli[M, A, B]): Kleisli[M, A, C] =
    bc.flatMap(run(ac), B)))

trait KleisliArrow[M[+_]] extends Arrow[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] with KleisliCategory[M] {

  def arr[A, B](f: A => B): Kleisli[M, A, B] = Kleisli(a => Monad.point(f(a)))

  def first[A, B, C](f: Kleisli[M, A, B]): Kleisli[M, (A, C), (B, C)] =
    Kleisli[M, (A, C), (B, C)] { case (a, c) =>, (b: B) => (b, c)) }

And back to the Arrow

Motivation, is to find a generic interface for arrow wich cannot be based on monad.

ArrowMonad Type-Class:

trait ArrowApply[~>[-_, +_]] extends Arrow[~>] {
  def app[A, B]: (A ~> B, A) ~> B

case class ArrowMonad[~>[-_, +_], +A](run: Unit ~> A)

implicit def _asMonad[~>[-_, +_]](implicit i: ArrowApply[~>]):
  Monad[ArrowMonad[~>, +?]] = new Monad[ArrowMonad[~>, +?]] {

    type M[+A] = ArrowMonad[~>, A]

    def point[A](x: => A): M[A] = ArrowMonad { i.arr(_ => x) }
    def flatMap[A, B](m: M[A], f: A => M[B]): M[B] =
      ArrowMonad[~>, B] { >>> i.arr((x: A) => (f(x).run, ())) >>>[Unit, B] }

trait KleisliArrowApply[M[+ _]] extends ArrowApply[Kleisli[M, -?, +?]] {
  private type ~>[-A, +B] = Kleisli[M, A, B]
  def app[A, B]: (A ~> B, A) ~> B = Kleisli { case (f, a) => ( }

High order Arrow Definition (ArrowApply):




Kliesli Arrow type-constructor

Type-Class Kind Condition Similar type
Kleisli[_[_], _, _]
(Kleisli Arrow)
Kleisli[M, _, _]
* -> * -> *
M[_] has Monad instance Arrow
Kleisli[F, A, _]
* -> *
F[_] has Functor instance for A Functor
Kleisli[F, A, B]
have Monoid instance for F[B] Monoid for any A

Arrows, Applicatives, Monads

Arrow Applicative

trait Arrow[~>[-_, +_]] extends Category[~>] {
  // [Arrow] -> [Category]
  def id[A]: A ~> A
  def compose[A, B, C](f: B ~> C, g: A ~> B): A ~> C

  // [Arrow] Minimal complete definition
  def arr[B, C](f: B => C): B ~> C
  def first[B, C, D](f: B ~> C): (B, D) ~> (C, D)

trait Applicative[M[+_]] extends Functor[M] {
  // [Functor]
  def map[A, B](m: M[A], f: A => B): M[B]

  // [Applicative]
  def point[A](a: => A): M[A]
  def ap[A,B](m: M[A], f: M[A => B]): M[B]

// Identity:
arr id                     == id

// Distribute over Composition:
arr(f >>> g)               == arr(f) >>> arr(g)
fst(f >>> g)               == fst(f) >>> fst(g)

// Order must be irrelevant when piping & lifting:
fst(arr(f))                == arr(fst(f))

// Piping function simplification must be equivalen:
fst(f) >>> arr(fst)        == arr(fst) >>> f

// Piped function must be commutative:
fst(f) >>> arr (id *** g)  == arr(id *** g) >>> fst(f)

// Stacked bypasses can be flattened
fst(first(f)) >>> arr assc == arr(assc) >>> fst(f)
// assc[A,B,C]((A,B),C) = (A,(B,C))

// Identity: fa: F[A]
fa <*> point(id)      == fa

// Composition:
u <*> v <*> w         == u <*> (v <*> w)

// Homomorphism: (a: A, f: A => B)
pount(f) <*> point(a) == point(f(x))

// Interchange: (a: A, fa: F[A => B])
point(a) <*> fa       == fa <*> point(f => f(a))

// As a consequence of these laws,
// the Functor instance for f will satisfy             == pure(f) <*> fa
 4  Functions AND  6  Laws  3  Functions AND  4  Laws
Arrow Monad

trait Arrow[~>[-_, +_]] extends Category[~>] {
  // [Arrow] -> [Category]
  def id[A]: A ~> A
  def compose[A, B, C](f: B ~> C, g: A ~> B): A ~> C

  // [Arrow] Minimal complete definition
  def arr[B, C](f: B => C): B ~> C
  def first[B, C, D](f: B ~> C): (B, D) ~> (C, D)

trait Monad[M[+_]] extends Applicative[M] {
  // [Monad] -> [Applicative]
  def point[A](a: => A): F[A]

  // [Monad]
  def flatMap[A, B](ma: M[A], f: A => M[B]): M[B]

// Identity:
arr id                     == id

// Distribute over Composition:
arr(f >>> g)               == arr(f) >>> arr(g)
fst(f >>> g)               == fst(f) >>> fst(g)

// Order must be irrelevant when piping & lifting:
fst(arr(f))                == arr(fst(f))

// Piping function simplification must be equivalen:
fst(f) >>> arr(fst)        == arr(fst) >>> f

// Piped function must be commutative:
fst(f) >>> arr (id *** g)  == arr(id *** g) >>> fst(f)

// Stacked bypasses can be flattened
fst(first(f)) >>> arr assc == arr(assc) >>> fst(f)
// assc[A,B,C]((A,B),C) = (A,(B,C))

// Right identity: (ma: M[A] f: A => M[B])
ma.flatMap(x => point(x)) == ma

// Left identity: (a: A f: A => M[B])
point(a).flatMap(f)       == f(a)

// Associativity:
// (ma: M[A] f: A => M[B], g: B => M[C])
ma.flatMap(f).flatMap(g)  ==
              ma.flatMap(a => f(a).flatMap(g))
 4  Functions AND  6  Laws  1  Functions AND  3  Laws
Category (id/compose - Predef)  0  0  (map - by Applicative & Monad) Functor
Arrow (arr/first)  2  2  (point/ap) Applicative
Kleisli (flatMap)  1  1  (flatMap) Monad
 3  3 
Category  3  2  Functor
Arrow  6  4  Applicative
Kleisli  -  3  Monad
 9  9 

Arrows, Applicatives, Monads Summary


End user benefits:

Railway Oriented Programming

- Scott Wlaschin (F# for fun and profit)

Railway tracks:


Arrow as Framework for:

  • Error handling
  • Single Track Function
  • Dead-end Function
  • Supervisory Function (handle "both track")

Dataflow programming (programming paradigm)


case class User(id: Int, name: String, psswd: String, email: String)
def getUserById: Int => Either[Err, User] = ???
def updateDbUser: User => Either[Err, Int] = ???
def updateName: String => User => User = ???
def sendEmail: User => Unit = ???

def id[T]: T => T = x => x
def leftId[E, T]: Err => Either[E, T] = x => Left { x }
def fst[A, B]: (A, B) => A = _._1


val run =
  getUserById >>>
  updateName(name).right >>>
  ((id[User] &&& sendEmail) >>> fst).right >>>
  (leftId[Err, Int] ||| updateDbUser) // Either[Err, Int]

Track with Kleisli:

val run = Kleisli[Either[Err, +?], Int, User] {
    getUserById >>>
    updateName(name).right >>>
    ((id[User] &&& sendEmail) >>> fst).right
  } >==> updateDbUser // Either[Err, Int]

Used materials and References:

  • John Hughes. November 10, 1998, Generalising Monads to Arrows.
  • Chris Heunen and Bart Jacobs, Arrows, like Monads, are Monoids.
  • Ted Cooper (, CS510 – Spring 2014, Arrow Basics.
  • John Hughes, S-41296 Sweden, Programming with Arrows.
  • Robert Atkey, LFCS, 2008, What is a Categorical Model of Arrows?
  • Kazuyuki Asada, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan, Arrows are Strong Monads.
  • K. Asada and I. Hasuo, (CMCS 2010)., 2010, Categorifying computations into components via arrows as profunctors.
  • Thorsten Altenkirch, James Chapman, and Tarmo Uustalu, Monads Need Not Be Endofunctors.
  • Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler and Jeremy Yallop, 2008, Idioms are oblivious, arrows are meticulous, monads are promiscuous

Blogs & Blogposts:

  • Ruminations of a Programmer, Debasish Ghosh
  • F# for fun and profit, Scott Wlaschin
  • Metaplasmus, Travis Brown
  • Arrow's place in the Applicative/Monad hierarchy (Cactus) Dr. Gerg ˝o Érdi
  • Nothing Personal Just ⊥, Patai Gergely
  • Programming Cafe, Bartosz Milewski's
  • λ Tony's blog λ, Tony Morris
  • Questions?

  • Remarks?