Extending the Schema (advanced)

Internally, we use an augmented schema with some additional proprietary columns and measurement tables.

This section examines our process for developing an extensible schema mechanism, and describes how the core schema can be augmented to fit custom requirements. Note that this process is quite involved, and we recommend using tags for most use cases instead of a customized schema.

Thanks to Leslie Lam for all her work on making persistence generic, and for writing the original form of this document.

How to Extend the Schema

An augmented schema will need to have a custom version of CorePersistenceUtils. This requires several major changes to the persistence, arbiters, and collectors packages.

In general, the Core classes/traits inherit from the Abstract traits, and augmented Internal classes/traits inherit from Core. This linear inheritance model helps decrease code duplication, as the Internal classes will only need to override methods that use custom augmented internal-only columns/tables.


We use Slick to generate classes that allow us to interact with the database using nice Scala collection-like functions. However, there are several caveats that make generic persistence difficult. (Spoiler: we solved all our problems using type classes).

Problem 1: Case to Case Inheritance

Slick generates case classes that represent a row in a table. e.g. case class BuildRow(...). If we wish to override the return type of methods defined in AbstractQueries with more specific types, we need these case classes to inherit from each other. However, case-to-case inheritance is prohibited in Scala. In order to circumvent this, we create wrapper classes for all of the core case classes. We then define implicit conversions between the case classes and the wrappers, thus allowing us to use them interchangeably and still adhere to our linear inheritance model. The wrapper classes are then extended to create their custom augmented forms.

class BuildRowWrapper(...) extends BuildRowLike
case class BuildRow(...) extends BuildRowWrapper(...)
implicit def BuildRowWrapper2BuildRow(x: BuildRowWrapper): BuildRow = ...
implicit def BuildRow2BuildRowWrapper(x: BuildRow): BuildRowWrapper = ...

Fortunately, all of this can be generated automatically by extending Slick’s source code generator.

Problem 2: Slick Queries are Invariant

sealed abstract class Query[+E, U, C[_]]

The first type parameter +E (which is covariant) corresponds to the autogenerated Table class (which extends profile.api.Table[U]). The second type parameter U corresponds to the autogenerated case class representing the Row. The third type parameter C[_] is the container type for the query results (usually Seq). Unfortunately, because U is declared as invariant, Query[A, B', C] is not considered a subclass of Query[A, B, C], even if B' is a subclass of B. This is problematic because several of methods are defined with return types of Query. If we use these return types in the abstract definitions, then we cannot override them with more specific types in the Core/Internal implementations.

Our workaround is using DBIO instead of Query when we need covariance. This means that we must use for-comprehensions when dealing with the results, instead of directly using collection-like methods.

The Database Inheritance Model

While subclassing and inheritance does not really apply to databases… we’re going to do it anyway. The Internal database can be considered a “subclass” of the Core database, as it completely encompasses the Core database, adding columns and tables as necessary.

There are essentially three “layers” to our model that occur everywhere: an abstract layer, a Core implementation layer, and an augmented Internal implementation layer, with each layer inheriting from the one above.

Our database model is as follows:

The database model is defined as a trait, so it cannot be used directly. Instead, we have defined a separate Tables object in com.workday.warp.persistence.(internal).Tables.scala which mixes in the correct model.Tables.scala trait, defines the correct Slick JdbcProfile, and provides other convenience functions. In order to access these classes, please import this object.

A corresponding TablesLike object has also been created in com.workday.warp.persistence.TablesLike.scala which allows importing of the TablesLike traits.

The reason for creating accessor objects is because if the types are mixed in, then Scala will infer path-dependent types, resulting in type mismatch errors.

Queries, PersistenceUtils, and PersistenceAware


This file defines all of the queries that Warp Core supports. These queries ideally should not be called directly through client code, but rather through the corresponding PersistenceUtils. In addition, you’ll notice that all of the return types are defined in terms of TablesLike.


This is a trait that can be mixed in to enforce the definition of some PersistenceUtils. It defines a protected trait AbstractPersistenceUtils which defines utility functions for interacting with the database. Notice that initUtils() is called in the body. initUtils() is defined as an abstract function which should be overridden to initialize the database (create the schema, insert seed data, etc.). This ensures that the queries will not throw exceptions.

Generally, we define a companion object which contains the initialization logic in its body. Because companion objects are lazily initialized, we override initUtils() by calling something defined in the object.

AbstractPersistenceUtils and its subclasses are protected traits in order to prevent clients from creating a PersistenceUtils without initializing the correct schema first. As a result, PersistenceUtils can now only be accessed by classes or traits that mix in some form of PersistenceAware.

Originally this was achieved by initializing the schema when PersistenceUtils was initialized, but because InternalPersistenceUtils inherits from CorePersistenceUtils, this caused initSchema() to be called multiple times, resulting in the Core schema being loaded instead of the Internal schema. With the overridden initUtils() function, we ensure that the correct initSchema() is called and only called once.

CorePersistenceAware.scala and InternalPersistenceAware.scala

These files implement the Core and Internal versions of PersistenceUtils, respectively. InternalPersistenceAware is not part of our open-source package. Note that InternalPersistenceAware extends CorePersistenceAware, allowing InternalPersistenceUtils to subclass CorePersistenceUtils. This is important because it allows us to easily create internal versions of classes (i.e. arbiters, collectors) by simply extending the core version and additionally mixing in InternalPersistenceAware.

Initializing the Schema with Flyway Migrations

The initSchema() function defined in the PersistenceUtils companion objects use flyway for database migrations.

Internally, we use a completely different set of migrations. Any schema migrator can mix in the trait MigrateSchemaLike and call the migrate method:

trait MigrateSchemaLike extends PersistenceAware {

    * Applies migrations to bring our schema up to date.
    * Only supported for MySQL, not H2.
    * Recursively scans `locations` to look for unapplied migration scripts.
    * If `locations` is empty, we'll allow flyway to use its default locations.
    * The type of each entry is determined by its prefix:
    *   - no prefix (or "classpath:" prefix) indicates a location on the classpath
    *   - a "filesystem:" prefix points to a directory on the file system
    * @param locations locations we'll recursively scan for migration scripts.
  def migrate(locations: Seq[String] = Seq.empty): Unit = { ...  }

The migration to create the Core schema lives in the default flyway directory db/migration/.

A Failed Attempt at Generifying Persistence: Structural Types

Structural Types, or “Duck Typing”, defines a type based on its interface. This allows you to pass in objects to a function as long as it satisfies the defined structure.

type TestExecutionRowLikeType = {
  val idTestExecution: Int
  val idTestDefinition: Int

This defines a TestExecutionRowLikeType to be any object that contains the corresponding values. Therefore, all of our classes and case classes satisfy this structural type. After defining all of these types, we can define our functions as follows:

def writeTestExecutionQuery(row: TestExecutionRowLikeType): DBIO[TestExecutionRowLike]

Satisfyingly clean! We then define augmented Internal versions of the structural types in order to match on the type parameter in the internal implementations.

val row: InternalTestExecutionRowLikeType = maybeRow match {
  case r: InternalTestExecutionRowLikeType => r
  case _ => throw new Exception // Alternatively: build a InternalTestExecutionRow with default values.

Everything compiles and tests pass! Except for one insidious compiler warning:

a pattern match on a refinement type is unchecked
      case r: InternalTestExecutionRowLikeType => r

Defeated by type erasure! The issue here is that structural types are erased at runtime, so the match statement actually becomes something like:

val row = maybeRow match {
  case r: Object => r
  case _ => throw new Exception // Alternatively: build a InternalTestExecutionRow with default values.

which will always succeed. Of course, this is not ideal; the code only works if the user passes in the correct TestExecutionRow type.

Winning the War: Type Classes

Our final (and successful!) attempt was type classes. To quote the official Scala team blog:

Type classes are a powerful and flexible concept that adds ad-hoc polymorphism to Scala.

Our solution uses type classes to achieve the same behavior has structural typing, but it also allows us to match on the parameter type. (With the added benefit of avoiding the overhead of reflection!)

Type classes allow us to define a contract which objects must satisfy. In our case it’s the same as the structural type.

/** Type Class for TestExecutionRowLike **/
trait TestExecutionRowLikeType[T] {
  def idTestExecution(row: T): Int
  def idTestDefinition(row: T): Int
  def idBuild(row: T): Int
  def passed(row: T): Boolean
  def responseTime(row: T): Double
  def responseTimeRequirement(row: T): Double
  def startTime(row: T): java.sql.Timestamp
  def endTime(row: T): java.sql.Timestamp

/** Prove that TestExecutionRow belongs to the type class of TestExecutionRowLikeType **/
implicit object TestExecutionRowTypeClassObject extends TestExecutionRowLikeType[TestExecutionRow] {
  def idTestExecution(row: TestExecutionRow): Int = row.idTestExecution
  def idTestDefinition(row: TestExecutionRow): Int = row.idTestDefinition
  def idBuild(row: TestExecutionRow): Int = row.idBuild
  def passed(row: TestExecutionRow): Boolean = row.passed
  def responseTime(row: TestExecutionRow): Double = row.responseTime
  def responseTimeRequirement(row: TestExecutionRow): Double = row.responseTimeRequirement
  def startTime(row: TestExecutionRow): java.sql.Timestamp = row.startTime
  def endTime(row: TestExecutionRow): java.sql.Timestamp = row.endTime
  def tenant(row: TestExecutionRow): String = row.tenant
  def teamcityBuildId(row: TestExecutionRow): Int = row.teamcityBuildId
  def teamcityAgentInstance(row: TestExecutionRow): Int = row.teamcityAgentInstance
/** Implicit conversion from type class to TestExecutionRow **/
implicit def TestExecutionRowFromTypeClass[T: TestExecutionRowLikeType](x: T): TestExecutionRow =
override def writeTestExecutionQuery[T: TestExecutionRowLikeType](row: T): DBIO[TestExecutionRowLike]

You’ll notice that the type class TestExecutionRowLikeType takes some generic T which must define functions that return the column values. We then simply need to define these functions in an implicit object. This provides implicit evidence that TestExecutionRow is TestExecutionRowLikeType. As a result, when given some object of TestExecutionRowLikeType, we can use implicitly to access the relevant columns. Of course, this is rather unwieldy, so we provide another implicit conversion that converts from the type class to the case class. Keep in mind that all this boilerplate is generated using the Slick code generator.

It’s important to note that the context bounds are actually syntactic sugar for implicit parameters:

// This function expands to
def writeTestExecutionQuery[T: TestExecutionRowLikeType](row: T): DBIO[TestExecutionRowLike]
// This function
def writeTestExecutionQuery[T](row: T)(implicit ev: TestExecutionRowLikeType[T]): DBIO[TestExecutionRowLike]
When you call this function, Scala will look for implicit evidence that satisfies TestExecutionRowLikeType[T]. Consequently, this means that our implicit objects (e.g. TestExecutionRowTypeClassObject) need to be in scope. In general, these will be in scope as long as you import Tables.RowTypeClasses._ or TablesLike.RowTypeClasses._. We’ve included a helpful ImplicitNotFound message that will be printed at compile time if Scala cannot find the correct implicit, such as:

Could not find an implicit value for evidence of type class TestExecutionRowLikeType[TestExecutionRow].
You might pass an (implicit ev: TestExecutionRowLikeType[TestExecutionRow]) parameter to your method or import Tables.RowTypeClasses._

The best part is that all of these type classes and implicit objects can be generated automatically with Slick’s source code generator! Hurrah! We may have lost many battles, but we have won the war! In addition, we never have to lie to the compiler with asInstanceOf, which is keeping with our Workday core value of integrity :)

To truly understand what’s happening with type classes, I highly recommend reading this series of blog posts by Aakash N S:

An Aside about Identifiers

Several of our queries look up rows based on some set of primary keys. In our augmented internal schema, this is usually the methodSignature and the confidenceLevel or the idTestDefinition and the confidenceLevel. In our open-source package, however, there is no confidenceLevel, and rows are identified by either the methodSignature or the confidenceLevel. In order to define a common abstract function that these queries can implement, we need to combine these parameters and create functions that read from an Identifier (similar to a composite key).

We also achieved this with type classes.

trait IdentifierType[T] {
  def methodSignature(identifier: T): String
  def idTestDefinition(identifier: T): Int

We then define a CoreIdentifier which implements this type class and an InternalIdentifier which includes the additional confidenceLevel field. The handling of the Identifiers is similar to how we handle the different Row type classes, where the augmented internal implementations match on the IdentifierType.


If you have a unique use case, it is possible to use WARP with a customized schema, however a simpler approach is using tags for recording additional metadata.

  1. Traits and type classes are autogenerated into model.TablesLike.scala
  2. Table classes, case classes, and implicit type class objects are autogenerated into model.Tables.scala
  3. Use the TablesLike and Tables objects defined in com.workday.warp.persistence to access the generated traits
  4. Mix in some form of PersistenceAware and use the provided this.persistenceUtils in order to access the persistence functions
  5. Make sure you import the correct Tables._. Also don’t forget Tables.RowClassTypes._ to bring the implicit objects in scope

This tweet by Aakash N S essentially summarizes the main lesson learned from this endeavor:

As a rule of thumb, the answer to every question of the form “Can I do XYZ in #Scala?” is “Yeah, totally man! Just use implicits.”